How do you "level up" your independent social impact consulting business... And what does that even mean?
In this week's episode of the Impact Consulting Podcast, we give a brief update on what we've been up to recently and talk through some common challenges that independent social impact professionals face after a few years in the business, as well as how to push past these plateaus and get to the next level.
The goal here is to enable you to position yourself as the go-to expert in your field, as a way to achieve more impact, more income and cultivate more influence in your field of work.
More specifically, we discuss:
Common consulting challenges and plateaus.
What "levelling up" means.
Key levelling up principles and strategies (including email marketing, content creation, advisory roles, and outsourcing).
This episode gives an overview of what we will discuss in our first-ever IC-Hub premium workshop on consulting levelling up strategies. Needless to say, in the workshop, we go far more in-depth into the specifics and apply the principles and strategies to IC-Hubbers' consulting businesses.
You can visit our website to find details about the levelling up workshop and other IC-Hub premium workshops.
Thank you for listening and we hope you enjoy the show!
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